Animación y modelado 3D para el avatar de la Inteligencia Artificial humanoide que protagoniza la pieza.
Today we present to you “Shackles_FromStillnesToAwakening,” a kind of audiovisual experiment shot on Super 8 for the Straight 8 Festival, which is held every year in conjunction with the Cannes Film Festival. In this case, we’ve pushed the boundaries a bit and edited it – something that isn’t allowed, but we did it anyway…🔪🥵🐀 “Shackles” is about immobility and impassiveness, about the spell that screens have over us and how what we once believed to be the solution to many of our problems has further subjected us to physical, mental, and emotional petrification. But in this case, what once subjected us also gives us a glimmer of hope, placing the power to awaken in our hands. @smile________tv and @twentyfourseven_______tv always trust in us, and we are deeply grateful for that trust and love…✨❤️ Thanks to @supereightmm for the Beaulieu, blessings 🐎🐎🐎🐎🐎 A big thank you to the legendary @davidponsmedia for the 3D and to @dediosmalo for el titulo bacano que se ha marcado and @mariohace.elcolor x los colorcitos 🏆🎈🖍️ And as always, thanks to the entire art dreamteam: el patron @david.gonher and los papás @ijustforgoturname @xplore.img Also, a heartfelt thanks to the entire cast who came to spend the day with us: @babacartandine @andreacoret & company 🥵 @xdanieldavis 🤍 @paulamferro 🤍 @mrnkblv @liln0raxi @pasavalla @iregbz ✨